Sunday, October 16, 2011

"expected error before @ token"

iPhone programming like a noob - expected error before @ token 10.16.2011 - I've recently been teaching myself to program for the iOS platform in Xcode using iPhone Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (I have no idea what level of permanence an link has...). Anyway - one problem I encountered while trying to compile a demo program was "expected error before @ token".
Here is an example of an expression that threw me a curveball:

[questions addObject:@"What is 7 + 7?"];

It turns out that not all quotation marks are created equal, and the problem was due to pasted code from a PDF with fancy slanted quotation marks. Deleting the pasted quotation marks and manually typing the quotation marks immediately solves the problem.

Just a heads up if anyone out there is googling for a solution!

Monday, January 10, 2011

TURRET PROJECT 1.10.2011 - Hmmm.... First off I realized the error in my naming convention for these blog posts, from here on out I'll be using this new format (very exciting I know...). I'm going back down to North Carolina for work, so it looks like this project is on hold again. In the mean time, I've installed OpenCV using this tutorial, and will try to get some projects up and running using XCode on my Intel Macbook Pro.